Welcome to TellPsych!

Your resource for easy, convenient healthcare.

Welcome to TellPsych!

Your resource for easy, convenient healthcare

Using TellPsych is easy, and can be done in the following steps:

  1. Schedule an appointment online by clicking “book an appointment” tab listed above, or give us a call.
  2. Make your payment for your appointment.
  3. After payment, you’ll receive a text or link to connect with a provider.
  4. Click the link and start your session.
  5. After your session, you can schedule any follow-up appointments.



We’re here to help.

Telepsychiatry is an innovative practice within the psychiatric community that allows for video conference between psychiatric providers and patients via videoconference. Telepsychiatry may involve providing psychiatric treatment including psychiatric evaluations, psychotherapy, patient education, medication management, and disease prevention.

What you get with TellPsych:


Our team of medical doctors and nurse practitioners can diagnose, treat, educate, and help prevent mental disorders. Treatment primarily includes but is not limited to medication management. Your medication will be sent electronically to your preferred pharmacy.



Our therapists can connect with you from the convenience of your home. Psychotherapists may, but are not limited to, diagnosing psychiatric conditions,  provide guidance, and implement appropriate therapeutic interventions.


We can provide a dedicated psychiatric provider to meet your staffing needs. Our doctors can diagnose, prescribe medication, treat and help prevent mental disorders from the convenience of your clinic, or treatment program.


Our mission is to provide counseling and therapy sessions for facilities, and clinics by connecting patients face-to-face with their therapist. Our therapists may diagnose, and provide the appropriate interventions to meet the individual needs of the client.

Client’s Stories

Read what our customers are saying about our service

I have been suffering from depression most of my life. Tellpsych made it easy for me to connect with a provider using my phone, I wish I would have done this ages ago.

Daniel P.

I have 3 young children that require most of my attention. I was able link up with my doctor and have my medications adjusted from home. 

Maria D.

I was calling local clinics and was told that there was a three month waiting list, and I was afraid that I wasn’t able to get my medication before they ran out. I was able to Dr. Morar within the week and I got my medication adjusted and filled. I feel like my anxiety has decreased knowing I am able to follow-up whenever I need to.

Laura P.

Schedule an appointment today to get started.